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What standards are we instituting for the future, locally and globally?

This piece has been made with cardboard boxes which I have been exploring lately.

With this, I implore us all, to act in strength and 3X wisdom to save our nation and our world.

What kind of foundation are we laying today, for the sake of tomorrow?

What kind of institutions are we setting up to leave behind for the next generation? What principles are we instituting for the future. Can we say - "We have done well"

I constantly bemoan the decline of standards in education in my country, and I wonder if we realise that education is the bedrock of everything. We really do need to consider and make a change at this time. 

This piece is made out of cardboard boxes which I have been exploring lately. For me, this material is about building and rebuilding, restructuring and re-ordaining. I have also used the cement bag which to me symbolises strength with inscriptions on it such as '3X', and 'Strong Yield'. 

With this, I implore us all, to act in strength and in 3X wisdom to save our nation, and our world.

© Amarachi Okafor (Orie), 2020-2025

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